Thursday, November 1, 2012

Leaving Angola on November 2nd

I have had a very intense but satisfying two weeks in Angola. Arriving in Huambo, I was again at the Sistec Hotel #12. It is a large room with no windows so extremely quiet. The hotel as I have mentioned before is VERY safe, has hot water and electricity and exceptional staff. None speak English but we manage to communicate! Luciano Silva from CNFA is my excellent “Program Manager” and I had a new interpreter, Jose. He is a young man who works on the oil rigs off of Benguela/Lobito area of Angola. His schedule is 28 days on and 28 days off. “On” literally means on the rig where he does written translations and interpretation. He is married with a 3 month old baby. The three Cooperatives were located in Longonjo, a small town which is about 1 hour drive from Huambo. One, Mbunge has 222 members and 40 hectares and it newly registered. When asked about the large number of members, the President told me that only a member could receive free fertilizer from the Angolan government. The other two, Conusse and Chimbili, each have 40 members and about the same in hectares of Cooperative land. The class was limited to 5 members from each; the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Communication (gets the word out when meetings will occur) and one other. In a training situation, having 3 groups makes the process much slower. Each group had to process and then respond to various topics: Mission and Vision Statements; Project Proposal; Financial Statements (create a Balance Sheet and Income Statement) as well as understand concepts such as cash flow and dealing with the bank. The training participants were excellent and worked hard to accomplish every task. For these farmers, the numbers of the language of finance are as foreign as farming techniques would be for me! I was introduced to several officials in the town as well as interviewed by Angola Press. This is an on-line newspaper in 4 languages – Portuguese, English, Spanish and French – which is emailed all over the world to Angolan ex-pats. I also met two representatives from Standard Bank; this is a South African bank which now has almost 10 offices in Angola. Another very interesting person was Carleton Palmer, a CNFA volunteer from Florida. He is a soy beans expert! Weather was wild! Rain, really hard rain every day with thunder and lightning – just like the Midwest. I thought of the east coast of the US and hope that all is recovering. I am now off to Tanzania. I will be back in Babati with two groups that I have previously worked with – Gende and Osomama. I also get a chance to see my CNFA friend, Kissinga! Love to all. I voted by mail before I left. Remember to be part of the process.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It has been a wonderful two week assignment in Zomba Malawi. I am preparing to fly to Nairobi where I will meet my brother, Jim and his wife, Kaye. We are embarking on a multi tent 12 day Serengeti adventure! Domesi Soya Milk and Peanut Butter Production Cooperative covers 3 villages with 1,500 in the population. It currently has 167 dues paying members. The members are farmers of ground nuts (peanuts), soya beans, pigeon peas, maize, and vegetables. Each farmer sells his own produce. Each member must contribute ground nuts and soya beans to the Cooperative for processing into the two major products. The equipment was donated to the Cooperative. It includes a manual grinding machine, a boiler, and other machines to make the two products. In addition, USDA gave them an electric grinder but the Cooperative building does not have power nor does the Cooperative have a generator. Reminded me the famous story, “Gift of the Magi”! To produce soya milk takes between 4 and 9 hours while peanut butter is a full day. The training started with the most basic bookkeeping and accounting concepts and moved into financial statements, project proposals and bank loan request. For most of the 30 participants, this was the first hearing of these concepts. Most had some post-primary education but not all. They were like sponges – absorbing anything and everything but the information was so new that we covered and recovered to ensure understanding. All walked to the class – some for 2 hours. We met in the primary school which had not yet started so the adults had to sit on seats created for children. The room had no windows – instead, there were small holes in the concrete walls to let air flow. And……also, insects of a variety of shapes and sizes. My hotel, Masongola was ok. It is under renovation so will be better in the future. The cook did grill goat for two of my dinners and there was always rice and chopped green vegetables (like collard greens). Had a day trip up to Zomba Plateau and the Sunbird Hotel. This is a 3 star hotel with a view! Lovely, elegant and more expensive that I could afford but great to visit. Bought fabulous strawberries to share. I will not have internet while in tents so look forward to posting again after September 12th. Best to all.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bulawayo Zimbabwe Week 2 July 2012

The majority of my week was in the CNFA office on the computer. I revised and rewrote 3 modules that will be used for an advanced business management training course for Agrodealers in August. These dealers have already attended two one-week courses last year: one on technical training on seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and other agricultural topics and one on business management topics. The advanced modules are Cash Flow, Business and Project Planning, and Accessing Credit. A natural fit as I have written materials and books in those subjects! I also had the delightful pleasure of working with 20 young people who are enrolled in a very special program called Vanavevhu (Children of the Soil). These are orphans with responsibility for their younger siblings and grandparents as most parents have died from AIDS. Elizabeth Mhangami (Loyola University Chicago BA) came back to her home city and began the program three years ago. Each new group of 10 young people form a cohort which develops a money making project. Monday through Friday there are educational lessons as well as work on the projects at a 5-acre property. I did a 3-hour consulting on the business aspects of candle making! Go to for more info. Looking for a grassroots charity – this is the place to give funds. I continue to walk into Bulawayo every day and enjoy the small town feel. It is very different from Huambo Angola. Both are the second largest cities in their countries. Both are in the agricultural areas. But the differences are dramatic. Huambo Angola was one of the epicenters for the 35 year civil war. It was bombed and shot up; sidewalks are non-existent and buildings still show the scars of the conflict. Bulawayo Zimbabwe has good sidewalks (better than parts of Hillcrest in San Diego) and lovely buildings – both colonial era and new construction. Bulawayo also does not smell. Huambo’s sewer infrastructure was also a victim of the conflict. People in both places are friendly and say hello when they see an old, large white woman walking down the street! I don’t stop traffic as I once did in Ghana (late 1990’s) but I am still a curiosity. The average life expectancy for Angola and Zimbabwe is 50 years old. In the US, it is 81 years for women so I may be around for a few more years. I am leaving a small suitcase in Bulawayo as I have delivered my gifts – microwave popcorn, San Diego plates, maple syrup, dill pickles, ball caps, and red licorice. The supermarkets here are well stocked but there are some odd items that cannot be found. In San Diego, peri peri sauce is impossible! Home on Thursday the 19th!

Bulawayo Zimbabwe Week One July 2012

My Delta flights were full as always. However, I volunteered on the Atlanta to Joburg flight to give my seat to the father in a family and I was then seated next to a “ghost”! I was able to get a fairly good night of sleep. However, our 777 was an old one with 2 of the 5 Economy restrooms broken. Long lines. Arrived in Joburg and luggage was there. TSA had gone through my large bag; they need re-packing lessons. Stayed at the City Lodge – showered and slept. Off on the 30th to Bulawayo. What a treat to arrive here on a plane……not a 6 hour bus ride. Petros was waiting to collect me. My last time in Bulawayo I stayed in the Cresta Churchill Hotel. It was an old, Colonial style property in the countryside. This time I am at the Holiday Inn (just like Kansas Toto). It is a modern hotel. My room is just normal and everything works. There is a large supermarket around the corner and an Italian restaurant (which has not been open so far.) I am able to walk to the office; it takes 30 minutes at a normal pace so I think it is just over a mile. Flat and sidewalks. I met with the Gwanda Agrodealers Association on 4 occasions – Monday to determine the three days of training topics. This is a very young association as it was only registered in March of 2012. Unfortunately, there are only 16 dues paying members. The Executive Board asked for training in two major areas: financial management and association development. I have attached two PowerPoint presentations which were created for the Wednesday – Friday sessions. The training sessions were held in one of the national training centers. The classroom was fine with electricity! There were 6 members of the Executive Committee in attendance all 3 days; 2 were female. In addition, a local policeman came on Thursday (to check out the program). Lunch was prepared each day – chicken and beef with rice and sasza. Graduation was Friday. Saturday, I walked to town. On the way, I spent 3.5 hours at the National History Museum. Excellent! It combines the history of men in the area (Bushmen, Bantu, English, etc), the geological influences (coal, gold, etc), and the animals. I recommend this for every volunteer in Bulawayo. In town, I just wander around – exploring supermarkets. Had Chinese lunch which was again very good. Sunday I walked again into town to explore the architecture as very few shops were open. Found the High Court and Bulawayo Club buildings which are excellent examples of British Colonial. Spent some time outside of a Catholic church listening to a full voiced choir. All is very well. I have significant review and rewrite for ASP-Z on the Advanced Business Training modules and developing practical cases to use in that program. As Taswell is in Sierra Leone on a CNFA assignment, I will be working independently.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

It is the last Sunday of my assignment in Zimbabwe so it is time to record the events of the last 2+ weeks. My Delta flight from Atlanta to Joburg was 2 hours delayed so I missed my connection to Harare Zimbabwe. Delta paid for the Proteus Hotel and meals in the airport but I could not have my checked luggage so same clothes the next day on my flight to Harare. I arrived safely but my checked bag did not. Off to the Bronte Hotel in Harare where I have stayed before. Lovely property with beautiful plantings and Shona stone statues. Back and forth to the airport and the bag arrived! On Sunday I met Linda Nielsen of the Zimbabwe National Association of Dairy Farmers. NADF is supported by many NGOs including Land O’ Lakes. She gave me great background on the milk collection association that I would be working with the following week. Lunch with Tim Bergstrom, Country Director for CNFA and another US Aid consultant. On an early bus to Bulawayo and 6 hours later arrived. I am staying at the Cresta Churchill this assignment. It is 15 minutes out of the downtown so very quiet. Charming old English style including a fireplace in the bar! My first week assignment was financial and organizational training for the Umzingwane Milk Collection Association. Held outside – a roofed concrete pad with over 50 participants! Wonderfully interactive! The Secretary of the Association, named Talent, acted as my interpreter and he was excellent. Although most people speak English in Zimbabwe, the rural areas are more comfortable with local language. Breaks in class were bread sandwiches with butter and jam, hot tea and coffee, and juice. Friday May 25th was Africa Day which celebrates the date in 1963 when 30 of the 32 independent African countries met to form OAU (Organization of African Unity). Only 5 countries have a public holiday - Ghana, Mali, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. I spent a quiet weekend of work on the computer. The second week was moderating a conference of agro dealer Provincial chairmen and others in Gweru. Agro dealers are retailers who sell all types of products in a village store as well as seeds, fertilizer, chemicals and tools. They form into District Associations as well as Provincial Associations and are working to become a national group. It was a very lively and spirited discussion on all three days! Part of my job was to keep the group pointed toward the completion of its self directed goals!! I have also been working with Tim and Taswell Chivere, who was my main contact on the first trip, to refine the next three modules in the Agrodealer Business Management Training. The additional topics are Cash Flow Analysis, Business Plan Development, and Sourcing and Obtaining Credit. Packing today for my Tuesday 7am bus back to Harare. Tomorrow is a full work day in Bulawayo! Flights begin on Thursday. Home on June 8th. I voted by mail before I left and I encourage all Californians to vote and make your voice heard.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Angola #9

I am finishing my assignment in Huambo and will be home on May 1st. As you may recall, this assignment is a continuation of two previous assignments which began in December, continued in January, and will conclude with this trip. CNFA’s (Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs) Farmer to Farmer program has a strategic alliance with CODESPA, a Spanish NGO with an emphasis also on agriculture as well as micro finance to underserved segments of an economy. CODESPA requested a volunteer with a banking and financial analysis background so I was asked to be the first CNFA volunteer to work with them. I spent the first part of this trip in Madrid with the CODESPA headquarters staff. A very energetic group of young people with project management skills. Some have been out to the “field” as CODESPA has activities in many countries. I gave a 2-hour seminar on analyzing projects in Angola and Cooperative Financial Management 101. It was cold and rainy in Madrid and I left at 1:00am for Luanda. This is my 9th trip to Angola with 6 of those trips based in Huambo so I have a comfort with the part of town that houses my hotel, CODESPA and CNFA. I walk (20 minutes) to ShopRite which is a “supermarket” and can navigate with some confidence to other areas. Huambo has not changed dramatically in the 2+ years that I have come here; yes, there are some new government buildings but the sidewalks are still torn up and there is a basic lack of electricity, water and sewer for most of the town. Offices and hotels like SIstec have massive generators and buy water which is stored in large blue tanks. I have asked why there is not a system of above or below ground cisterns for collection of rain water but it is unknown here. CODESPA is now working on a second “storage” project – Micro-Silos for dried beans and grain. These are 1,000kg and will be bought by a family. As these are individual, there are less operating costs (guards, management, etc) and appear to be economical. Alberto and I presented the financials to 3 of the 5 Communal Banks (Cooperative-based). The most telling comment: “If a farmer makes payments for 75% of the cost during 9 months, and then decides not to pay any more, what happens? Answer: The Micro-Silo will be repossessed. Next question: “How soon will the farmer receive the money he has already paid back?” Ah my. Working with CODESPA has had another interesting aspect. Alberto is a Spaniard and is very connected into the Expatriate community in Huambo: this includes Portuguese, Cubans, French, Italians, etc. I have enjoyed meeting this diverse group who are currently working in the Huambo region. So all is well in my Angolan world. The country continues to change. Traffic is still a nightmare in Luanda (the capital) but the people are still eager to learn and adapt so the future of their children is better. I am hoping to come back for my 10th trip!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring ahead!

Tanzania does not go to Daylight Savings Time so I will only be 10 hours ahead of California on Sunday March 11th!

It has been a full 10 days in Tanzania. After traveling on Delta from San Diego to Atlanta to Johannesburg, I spent the night in City Lodge at JNB. Had wonderful prawns and calamari for dinner. Left on South African Airways for Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanzania.

Drove 2 days from Dar to reach Mbeya, the third largest city (Arusha is the second). Along the way, saw elephants, giraffes, zebras, and many “horned” animals (dik dik and gazelles). We also saw a leopard by the side of the road; it went into the bush quickly but it was a real treat.

After 9 hours of driving, spent the first night of travel in Iringa, a small town. Hotel was ok BUT a church across the street began VERY loud services at 5am! The second day of driving was shorter and we arrived in Mbeya.

Hotel Beaco has nice rooms and good restaurant facilities but it is located in a truck depot/cement warehouse industrial area. I am fortunately in the back so it is very quiet.

I am conducting training in two associations – one that is very new and only women. It is located in a very small village up the mountain. There is a Peace Corps volunteer, Jessica who has been working with this group for over 1 ½ years. The other association has more than 60 members who are both farmers and retailers.

Met with all of the Peace Corps volunteers in the region as they were together celebrating a birthday and a departure. Encouraged all of them to consider CNFA Farmer to Farmer programs in their future.

Weather has been wet which is great for the farmers but not as conducive for my walking. Have a wonderful week ahead.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Young people everywhere

A wonderful experience yesterday during a walk. The Scouts (boys and girls) were having a display in the park. All in shorts with shirts and merit badges. Several spoke excellent English. All wanted a picture with the three CNFA volunteers: Chuck from Asheville NC, an expert in edible landscaping and compost; Christine from Michigan who is working on a business plan at a Cooperative, and me. Many photos later we continued our walk. The future of any country is the young people.

Greetings on January 29

I am finishing my assignment in Huambo and will be home on February 1st.

This assignment is a continuation of an assignment which began in December so I will comment on the entire 5+ weeks. CNFA’s (Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs) Farmer to Farmer program has a strategic alliance with CODESPA, a Spanish NGO with an emphasis also on agriculture as well as micro finance to underserved segments of an economy. CODESPA requested a volunteer with a banking and financial analysis background so I was asked to be the first CNFA volunteer to work with them.
What a delight! Gavin Braschi, Irish/Italian, is the Country Director and Alberto Santos, from the Basque region of Spain, is the Program Manager. CODESPA is working with ADRA, a 20+ year Angolan NGO in a variety of programs in Huambo region.
What has transpired: created the financial analysis for a Cooperative seed potato storage building as well as a household-level maize (corn) storage bin; worked with the ADRA microfinance officer; consulted with a Cooperative-level communal bank; trained over 40 ADRA and cooperative Board members in financial management. A variety of interesting activities!

My December trip to Huambo was the LAST time that I stayed at Hotel Nova Estrela which was my home here for the past 2 years. It has gone downhill quickly with hot water only 1 out of 3 days; lack of electricity as the owners would not run the generator; and the final straw was the maid using my personal wash cloth (from home) to clean the shower floor. Fortunately, Gavin and Alberto had used another hotel close by – Sistec. It is wonderful with hot water, electricity, a breakfast, and access to a fitness center. I have walked on the treadmill every morning for 20 minutes (note to Bob of BB&J)

So all is well in my Angolan world. The country continues to change. Traffic is still a nightmare in Luanda (the capital) but the people are still eager to learn and adapt so the future of their children is better.