Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It has been a wonderful two week assignment in Zomba Malawi. I am preparing to fly to Nairobi where I will meet my brother, Jim and his wife, Kaye. We are embarking on a multi tent 12 day Serengeti adventure! Domesi Soya Milk and Peanut Butter Production Cooperative covers 3 villages with 1,500 in the population. It currently has 167 dues paying members. The members are farmers of ground nuts (peanuts), soya beans, pigeon peas, maize, and vegetables. Each farmer sells his own produce. Each member must contribute ground nuts and soya beans to the Cooperative for processing into the two major products. The equipment was donated to the Cooperative. It includes a manual grinding machine, a boiler, and other machines to make the two products. In addition, USDA gave them an electric grinder but the Cooperative building does not have power nor does the Cooperative have a generator. Reminded me the famous story, “Gift of the Magi”! To produce soya milk takes between 4 and 9 hours while peanut butter is a full day. The training started with the most basic bookkeeping and accounting concepts and moved into financial statements, project proposals and bank loan request. For most of the 30 participants, this was the first hearing of these concepts. Most had some post-primary education but not all. They were like sponges – absorbing anything and everything but the information was so new that we covered and recovered to ensure understanding. All walked to the class – some for 2 hours. We met in the primary school which had not yet started so the adults had to sit on seats created for children. The room had no windows – instead, there were small holes in the concrete walls to let air flow. And……also, insects of a variety of shapes and sizes. My hotel, Masongola was ok. It is under renovation so will be better in the future. The cook did grill goat for two of my dinners and there was always rice and chopped green vegetables (like collard greens). Had a day trip up to Zomba Plateau and the Sunbird Hotel. This is a 3 star hotel with a view! Lovely, elegant and more expensive that I could afford but great to visit. Bought fabulous strawberries to share. I will not have internet while in tents so look forward to posting again after September 12th. Best to all.