Sunday, October 2, 2011

Doha on Monday morning October 3rd

I was delayed one day after missing my connection in Washington DC due to airplane issues on the SFO-IAD flight. United was great - provided a lovely hotel room and meal. The Qatar Airways flight to Doha was full but I fortunately had an empty middle seat at the bulkhead so slept well.

The Kempinski hotel is excellent. I have a 1 bedroom suite with full kitchen. The best part again is the washer/dryer in the kitchen.

The class is again at Doha Golf Course. 15 bankers from CBQ (Commercial Bank Qatar). Many are Private Bankers so the business banking concepts and financials are brand new. Lunch is provided.

Doha is very hot now but getting cooler as the year end approaches.

Friday, July 8, 2011


I am preparing to go back to the USA on Monday after a very short trip to Angola. My Delta flights were wonderful as I was upgraded on the LONG flight from Atlanta to Joburg. Thank you Delta! I stayed in Joburg overnight, fly into Luanda, and made the connection to a domestic flight to Benguela. One night there at Nancy's Guest House. Drove with Nancy and friends to Huambo where I have been for the last 10 days. Out to the Cooperatives and working with the CNFA Project Managers. It has been a great assignment.

Hope that all of you had a great 4th of July.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Good bye Harare

Zimbabwe has been a surprise to me. It has beautiful cities with very friendly people. Everyone says hi on the street and asks how I am! The stores are large, very clean and well stocked with everything that I needed. There was even Coke Zero and salty crackers!

My work here has ended with all of deliverables completed. CNFA hosted a conference for its Zimbabwe staff as well as the other NGOs ad companies which are part of the Agrodealer Strengthening Program. All are working towards a more vibrant delivery of agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, implements, and livestock supplies) at the village level which strengthens the farmers and adds to food security for the entire country.

I am going home with 10 boxes of Quick Soup in a variety of flavors which are not available in the US – butternut squash, potatoes and leak, roasted tomato and basil! I also bought a few small stone carvings. Zimbabwe is known for its artists – working in black, green, and multicolored stone – polishing some areas and leaving others rough.

Looking forward to seeing California on Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Quirky notes

The buffet breakfast in both of the hotels where I have stayed is very British. Eggs, baked beans, grilled tomatoes, potatoes, Canadian bacon, beef sausage, and pork sausage. By the toast is marmalade, jams, jellies and marmite (a relative of vegemite)! I have one fried egg over easy, one pork sausage, and coffee with hot milk. The other diners have everything.

Several years ago, Zimbabwe abandoned its currency in the times of hyper inflation and “dollarized”. US currency is now the medium of exchange (South African Rands are accepted also). All of the dollars are very old, very dirty and falling apart. When I present my crisp new bills, the store clerks are amazed.

I am finishing my work in Bulawayo in the CNFA office today. The office staff and I will leave early tomorrow for the drive to Harare (6 hours). There is a meeting in the afternoon with another fertilizer company and then spending 3 nights and 2 days at a conference/training center – St. Lucia Park. All of the CNFA staff will gather for a two day meeting with the new Country Director, Tim Bergstrom.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday, June 4th

My week has been filled with meetings. For those who know me well, this is not my most favorite activity.

The Harare CNFA office is in the Zimbabwe Farmers Union Building and is hosted by that organization. The ZFU is one of several farmers’ associations; its constituency is the smallholders which are farmers with generally less than 10 hectares of land. Another association supports the large estate farmers (tea, coffee, bananas). The ZFU has been in existence for over 70 years and continues to represent the interests of the farmers to the Zimbabwe government, NGOs and other associations.

I was able to meet S.D. Hungwe, the President (elected) and Theresa Makomva, the Head of Operations as well as several “desks”. Violet Mandishona, the Contract Farming Desk, ensures that farmers are treated correctly by the large companies which produce agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, agro chemicals, etc.) and contract to purchase the farmers’ crops. Philip Gumunyu ZFU Director of Agrodealers provides training and guidance for the village-level agrodealers.

The other meetings have been with input suppliers, insurance companies and NGOs. Their perspectives are invaluable as CNFA wants to improve the smallholder farmers’ access to markets with an input supply strategy. Zimbabwe has had a history of extreme financial distress. This has several consequences: as I mentioned, the US dollar is the currency of exchange. (2) Financial institutions are reluctant to lend to businesses or farmers. (3) The producers of agro inputs send goods to agrodealers on a consignment basis and therefore retain ownership rights. CNFA and US Aid are working to bring credit back to this supplier/agrodealer relationship.

On Wednesday afternoon, Taswell Chivere, CNFA Finance and Management Officer, and I boarded a bus for the ride from Harare to Bulawayo. We had been told that City Line used new, air conditioned buses with in-bus movies. Instead, we boarded a very old and extremely dirty bus (cockroaches) that had no air (hot or cold) and no suspension. Leaving 45 minutes late, we arrived in Bulawayo after 9pm. The lesson here relates to customer expectations: I have ridden older and dirtier buses in eastern Europe and Africa BUT I was expecting something very different than what City Line provided. The adage is “Under promise and over deliver”.

Bulawayo is Zimbabwe’s second largest city and very lovely. The CNFA office is a converted home and houses the majority of the Zimbabwe staff. It is the largest staff that I have seen in my CNFA work in southern and eastern Africa. Taswell and I briefly stopped into the office and then left for Esikhoveni, a Zimbabwe government training facility which CNFA is using for its agrodealer classes. 250 village agrodealers were selected by ZFU to attend 2 weeks of training: 1 week of Business Management and 1 week of Technical. I was able to sit in both groups and was asked to do a short lecture on “What does a banker want?” That group had 32 participants of which 10 were women. Most were in their 30’s. Sitting at lunch, I found that most had only one store. In the store, they sell general goods (sugar, Coke, flour, etc) as well as agro inputs. The store supports the activity in a village or small town. One participant had 3 stores, 40 hectares which he farmed, and 5 children (on the way to 10)!

It is now Saturday. It is a glorious day of blue sky, sunshine and very few clouds so I hobble out to see the town. Wishing all of you the very best for your weekend.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday May 29th

Greetings from Harare Zimbabwe!

I arrived with very little difficulty and even had the “ghost” in the middle seat from Atlanta to Joburg South Africa. The flight was quicker than usual due to strong tail winds and I slept 7 of the 14 hours. FYI if you are flying coach in a 777 which is configured 3 – 3 – 3, chose an aisle in the middle section. The middle seat of the middle section is the least desirable seat, so will be filled at the last.

The airport at Harare is quite modern; immigration required $30 for the visa; and my checked bag arrived promptly. Waiting for someone to collect me, the airport cleared completely as the South African flight is the last to arrive. Decided that a taxi made sense so off to the hotel.

Zimbabwe was a former British colony (like Tanzania and Malawi) so most of the population speak English. Signs are in English. For several years, the currency has been the US dollar. I was told to bring $1 and $5 bills. I should have brought quarters also. If the purchase in a grocery store is not a whole dollar amount, I am given a receipt for the change. There is no problem using it, just another form of currency. All of this makes getting around much easier!

The Bronte Hotel is a very gracious and modern hotel. It has an old and new section. My room is spacious with a good bed, hot water, and a view of one of the park-like courtyards. There are many stone statues throughout the property. The breakfast (included) is served in one of the two restaurants and includes a vast array of fruit, cereals, rolls, and hot dishes. There is a pub and Zimbabwe has local beers. I have tried Golden Pilsner. Internet is wireless.

As some of you may know, I broke my right foot pinky on Monday night as I was stumbling in the dark at my home. I continue to wrap the toe to the rest of my foot with an Ace bandage. The colors are magnificent….green to blue to purple to yellow. It is much less painful now but does limit my explorations somewhat.

I have walked to a nearby grocery store which is fully stocked. In fact, it carries 14 flavors of instant soup; in the US, I can only get 3! I purchased Coke Zero and a small piece of excellent feta cheese to complement my split pea with ham soup. The only item that appears to be missing is a brand of savory crackers; fortunately, I brought my Triscuits with me.

On Sunday, I walked the mile to the downtown. With few exceptions, the stores were closed for the day. There is a semi-pedestrian walking street so I will enjoy going back during the week to see if the Chinese merchants are present as in other African countries. Two large churches – one Anglican and the other Catholic – appeared to have full houses for the late morning services. Everyone was in Sunday best clothes and singing as they left the church.

Off on Monday to the CNFA office. I have already had one meeting on Friday where I met the Sales Director of Seed Co., the largest seed company in sub Saharan Africa. More later.

Remembering all of the men and women who have served or are serving in our armed forces. It is their effort which helps to keep us free and safe.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Home from Angola - off to Las Vegas

Home safely on Easter after 30+ hours. My checked bag was mislabeled in Luanda but I caught the error while in Joburg. Fortunately, the helpful Delta staff was able to rescue it from the “basement” and board it on my plane. The Delta flight was absolutely filled. A big thank you to Ray Hines, one of the flight attendants, who assisted 3 passengers with recently broken legs. The headwinds were strong so the flight was 16+ hours. I hustled through immigration and baggage (mine was the 2nd one out!) and made my San Diego connection.

The other interesting adventure was on Friday, April 23rd. I had the day free in Luanda so booked a one-day safari. I was picked up at 6am by Eco-Tur. There were 6 paying guests plus tour operators. It was an interesting and long day – river trip to look for crocs; did not see any but did see the lizard which is an enemy. It was 6’ long and climbing a tree. In Kissama Park, the ranger explained the “re-animaling” by Operation Noah’s Ark. We saw giraffe, zebras, gnus, elans, and other small antelopes. Also lots of birds. There are no predators yet in the Park which was superb before the beginning of the Angolan Civil War. The animals were killed and eaten during that 35 year period.

Home until Wednesday – then Las Vegas with Mother. My cousin Wendy Ellison is marrying David Stryker. Should be great.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April 17th

I imagine that many of you are completing your 1040’s and getting ready to mail them on Monday. Mine (Federal and CA) were sent before I left – and no surprise, my checks have been cashed! I just wish that Congress would act more responsibly and in a mature manner. One of my Facebook friends, Margy Penniman, commented that they should all learn to “play in the same sandbox.” What a great concept!

I have been in Benguela for almost 10 days – but a day later than expected. I was scheduled to connect directly from my South African Airways flight to a domestic flight from Luanda to Benguela. However the SAA flight was delayed one hour in JoBurg. I begged the SonAir staff to let me on the domestic flight which had not left but to no avail. So, an overnight in Luanda. New hotel called the Forum. Very expensive but near the airport. The next day I successfully completed the last leg of my in-bound journey and arrived in Benguela to hot and humid.

I am again staying at Nancy’s Guest House and English School. As I have mentioned before, Nancy Gottlieb is a east coast woman who never left Africa after employment with an NGO. It is a very casual place and lots of activity as children, teenagers, and adults come and go from the classes. I have an added bonus this trip as another CNFA volunteer – Loren Parks – is also here. He is an Ag Economist from Chico CA! We are working with two separate clients – his is a small number of members with big acreage and mine is a larger number of members with small acreage.

Primeiro de Maio is my client. I met some of them during the training I conducted the last trip. This assignment is to modify a comprehensive business plan (developed by Mike Harwood a former CLUSA contractor) to increase the amount of hectares growing bananas, purchase a tractor and implements, and construct a multi-use building. On Monday the 11th we drove to visit the Coop – it is again 150 km so about 1.5 hours. We left the paved road and 4-wheel drove down a path (not a dirt road but a path). As there had been rain recently, it was an adventure.

Arrived at the meeting place – a large boulder under a tree and met 15+ members of the Coop. I began asking questions about the “wish list” of a tractor and building as well as sources of repayment for the bank loan. And then the rains came………drenched. Our driver said we must go as the truck would be too dangerous as the path became more slippery.

During the week, I have worked on the spreadsheets and narrative. As most of you know, I am much more of an action person so this has been tedious at times for me. We made another trip to the Cooperative to gain more information but met the Secretary at the large open market rather than under the tree!

Loren and I have shared several dinners with Nancy. I continue to eat a Protein bar every day and usually have my Cup of Soup. I was able to find several new Cup of Soup flavors in Doha (Woodland Mushroom and Tomato) so I have some variety. This trip as before I brought Triscuit crackers and my decaf coffee so I am in “hog heaven.” By the way, there is a great restaurant for pork in Benguela!

Have now worked a solid 6 day week so planning to take Sunday afternoon off. Even volunteers need a rest.

Thinking of all of you who are still doing your taxes!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Remembering my Dad

My father, Bill Drennan died very suddenly at 60 years old in 1983. His good friend and medical colleague Morley Lertzmann had his son plant a tree in Israel in honor of my father. As I passed the forests of trees from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, I was reminded of how important friendship can be. What a wonderful legacy to have a tree in your honor.

Leaving Jerusalem

Leaving Israel. Sitting on my suitcases in Ben Gurion airport as the only plug was in a wall! There is free wifi which is great but not place to get power and work sitting down.

In no particular order I will try to describe my experiences in Jerusalem. It was a fascinating 4 days. As I have already described my living accommodations at St George’s College, I will focus on my walking adventures in this city of multiple cultures.

I walked every morning quite early in the old city – getting lost every day at least 4 times. At 6am, the children are walking to their respective schools and the only shops which are open are selling sweets. There are some coffee houses for a quick cup with marvelous pastries (I was good.) At that early hour the busloads of tourists have not arrived so it is very peaceful. Later during the day it is wall to wall. There are also the garbage “tractors” which have a wheel base that just fits in the narrow space – with only a skinny person on each side. I always stepped into doorways to prevent part of my anatomy from remaining in the Holy City.

I did not have the book – “Ten Things you must do in Jerusalem” so I wandered, got lost and found most of them I think. The Wailing Wall and the Temple of the Mount are side by side with each religious group finding its own peace. I was not allowed into the mosque but enjoyed the surrounding area and a wonderful conversation with a Jordanian woman who visits when she can. There are many mosques, temples, and churches in to small space. I was reminded of my work in Sarajevo in the early 1990’s – it too had many holy buildings and soldiers with guns.

I am always delighted at the wonderful people I meet. I spent most of my time on my own as Rev. Heather Mueller had duties as Warden of St George’s College. We connected generally at night.

Highlights: An extremely large Torah in presentation to the West Wall with 12 men. French nuns singing in the Church of All Nations. Calls to prayer from the mosques. And above all, the beauty of the city. Two young boys taking me to the roof tops to meet their donkey who was for sale. “Please take him to America.”

The Tower of David Museum is not to be missed in the daytime or at night. I spend several hours walking thru the history of Jerusalem. It is a well-curated exhibit with multi media and English signs. At night there is an outside lights and music show that replicates the history but very visually.

I bought very little but am much richer for the experiences. I am now at the airport. I rode in a shuttle from Jerusalem with 8 young men all studying to become rabbis. One was from Texas, one Connecticut and the rest from London. All were off for a month of holiday.

Home tomorrow and feeling blessed by the God of all men.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


My flights on Royal Jordanian from Doha Qatar to Amman Jordan to Tel Aviv Israel were excellent. RJ is part of the American Airlines alliances called One World. The airplanes were brand new 757 and 767 with English speaking staff and great food/drink! A very easy trip. The RJ plane from Amman to Tel Aviv was not parked at the main terminal where we arrived. Instead, we were bussed out to the military plane area and boarded our plane under the watchful eyes of soldiers.

I arrived in Tel Aviv where the Ben Gurion Airport is large and very modern. I asked Immigration not to stamp in my passport and there was no problem. This was what I had been advised by the Isreal Consulate in Los Angeles. My bag was delivered and I then met the cab driver which Heather Mueller had arranged.

As I mentioned, Heather is an Episcopal priest from Maui; we met many years ago on the island and have remained close friends. She retired from her parish and has taken a one-year job as Warden for St. George’s College in Jerusalem. She is responsible for all of the guest rooms and the logistics for the courses which are offered at the College. I was able to met several of the members of the last class – The Palestine of Jesus. Several were from Australia, one from Canada and the others American.

I am staying in one of the dorm rooms and it reminds me of my first year at UC Berkeley. Two twin beds, two desks, two closets and one bathroom. Quite a change from my stay in Doha! As all of you know, I can sleep anywhere. It is now Saturday am; breakfast was simple and filling. We are leaving for a walk in the Old City. WOW!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Leaving Doha

I have now finished with my training for CBQ. I had 21 bankers from a variety of positions and with a diversity of experience in commercial lending/credit analysis. Fortunately, those with more extensive expertise helped their colleagues and translated my words into Arabic. Everyone was fully engaged. I was presented with a typical Qatarian present – a decorative wooden door with concealed mirror.

The Doha Golf Course (where the course was held) is the host club for one of the early PGA tournaments so it is extremely posh and lovely. Golfers tee off early (dawn) to finish before it becomes too hot. As I begin class at 8:30am, foursomes are just finishing. It appears that most are expatriates; mostly British with some Japanese.

My last night in Doha, I was able to treat Haitham to dinner at……..Appleby’s! There are many chain restaurants in Doha catering to all the different tastes of the 1.5 million expatriates. Just like McDonald’s the food was well prepared and consistent with the American experience. Haitham’s grocery shopping followed at Carrefour’s, which is a very large British supermarket. It has everything except pork and alcohol. I am taking back different varieties of Cup of Soup!!

I am flying on Royal Jordanian (an American Airlines partner) through Amman Jordan and on to Tel Aviv. Several years ago I spent 3 days in Jordan – both Amman and a 2 day trip to Petra. Petra was one of the magical moments of my life. It is an incredible place. This time though I will just transit thru the airport.

I will blog either during my time in Jerusalem with Rev. Heather Mueller or when I return to California on the 31st. Wishing all of you peace and joy during the next week.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Doha Qatar Day One

It is a beautiful day in Doha though windy. I am “housed” in a 4 bedroom 3.5 bathroom - full dining room - full kitchen and a spacious living room on the 30th floor of the Kempinski Doha. Windows on 3 sides give me an almost 180° view of the bay of Doha. I asked for a normal one-person room but was told that this was the only room available for me. I am staying in one bedroom with bathroom en suite. The kitchen has a clothes washing machine so my travel outfit is ready for the next plane ride.

My Commercial Bank Qatar (CBQ) contact is Haitham Farouk. We met in 2005 when I taught a financial analysis class for the Egyptian Banking Institute in Cairo. He was recruited to CBQ a year later as AGM and Credit Risk Manager. I have been privileged to train for Haitham and the bank several times during the past 4 years.
Today he toured me through the downtown to see how much has changed in the 2 years since I was last here. As before there is construction everywhere. Many of the buildings I saw underway in 2008 are now finished. The Kempinski Hotel was completed only a year ago and is extremely modern in all aspects as well as its looks. Very sleek with black, chrome and mirrors.

Late lunch today was at a Persian restaurant that Haitham, his wife Dahlia and daughter Cheyenne had enjoyed. Grilled chicken, beef, fish and shrimp kabobs with 3 kinds of rice (dill, sweet, and saffron) on a sizzling platter. Delicious. A small shopping at Carrefour’s (British chain) to buy water. I also found Cup of Soup in two flavors that are not available in the US.

Off to create the flip charts for the class which begins on Sunday. It is now dusk so the lights are beginning. What a view. Have a wonderful Friday.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Home from - off to Qatar and Israel

I apologize for the delay in my final Tanzania post.

USOMAMA Cooperative was a delight! 19-21 members attended every session. At the closing, there was a wonderful luncheon of stewed goat and chicken with rice and sima. I was given lovely fabric of the tribal pattern in the area. The CNFA Country Director and Program Manager attended along with the District Cooperative Officer.

The unfortunate news was that my Mother had been hospitalized. My son Rob and his girlfriend Bari were in Palm Desert at the time, so visited Mother with some supplies from her home. My brother Jim and wife Kaye flew down to supervise her move back to The Carlotta. CNFA and its travel agents were successful and I came home early. Mother is now fine.

I am leaving in an hour for my flights to Doha Qatar; I will again be working with Commercial Bank Qatar's commercial lenders and credit analysts. My friend, Haitham is the AGM and Credit Risk Manager. He was a student many years ago when I taught at the Egyptian Banking Institute.

An early Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday February 23rd

Happy Birthday to Mom - Doris Drennan!

During my walks in the morning, I feel like the Pied Piper! Dozens of school children in uniforms walk along with me. These are primarily elementary school age – 6 to perhaps 12. We practice English and they laugh. Today I went further and visited their school. It is a series of open buildings with wooden desks and one blackboard in each room. I was able to meet several teachers – all women and in their 30’s. The children were required before class to sweep all of the school grounds – with branches and bushes.

Each day the driver picks me up at noon for the one hour drive to USOMAMA which is the cooperative I am working with on this trip. The roads are not paved or oiled; just dirt. All over Tanzania (and the other countries of southern Africa) new roads are being constructed in a joint project with the Chinese. At each work site, there will be one or two Chinese men (always with ball caps) and many local workers. The new roads are 30+ feet wide and at the moment, just dirt and rain culverts and bridges. Therefore, all motor traffic currently moves on very narrow, packed dirt and rock “paths”. This includes extremely large transport trucks, buses, cars and bicycles. The driver remains at USOMAMA while I conduct the training and we begin the journey home. He loves to play Johnny Cash tapes – especially those with religious songs!

The USOMAMA Cooperative is quite successful as I have mentioned. 20+ members are attending the training which fills the room. So far, the group has developed a Vision and Mission Statement as well as listing the goals for 2011 and 2012. We are still working on 2013. Today we will create financial statements – balance sheet, income statement, and simple cash flow – that can be presented to the bank. As USOMAMA is a SACCOS it has funds on “deposit” and would like to become its own bank. The US comparable would be credit unions in the past where deposits were collected from a group of people who worked or lived together; small loans would be made to that same group. Credit Unions are now quite different in the US and cover many unrelated people; credit unions are now more like banks.

The weather since my return has been stunning – very San Diego with blue skies, sunshine, and mid 70’s! This is the rainy season for Tanzania but perhaps my days in Katesh will be enough rain for me.

Hoping that all of you are safe and well.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday February 20th

I am now back in Babati after several days 2+ hours away in Katesh. The purpose of our trip was to meet and explain CNFA to the District Executive Officer, Goody Pamba, in that region. She was a very impressive woman and Anthony Kissinga (CNFA Program Manager) and I were also introduced to the Community Development Officer and the District Officer in charge of Agriculture, Dr. Maeda. Dr Maeda is very interested in conducting my Business and Financial Management program in Katesh for many cooperatives so Kissinga will follow up with this District during the coming week while I am conducting the program in USOMAMA Cooperative.

Before we left Babati on Thursday, it was necessary to again obtain a short term work permit from the regional Immigration office. As you may recall from my previous trip, this process is ineffective and inefficient. The good news is we were successful! The other good news is that there is a 2-year work permit which can be obtained only at the Immigration Headquarters in Dar es Salaam. Kissinga will follow up with that possibility. Also on Thursday we had a brief meeting with the Board of Directors of Gendi Cooperative. This was my client during my last stay in Babati. What a delight to see them again and to see the successful conclusion of the Warehouse Receipt System! The warehouse is 2/3 full and the process (involving NMB National Microfinance Bank, the District Government, and the Cooperative) is in place. Gendi invited us to their annual Assembly on Saturday February 26th and we accepted. In addition, Bahati Nzunda the CNFA Country Director will come from Dar es Salaam will attend as well as meet the USOMAMA Cooperative at the final debriefing.

The drive to Katesh from Babati is 2+ hours over dirt roads. It is now the rainy season in Tanzania and the roads require 4 wheel drive. The CNFA drive, Evance is superb and we arrived safely at the Katesh Guest House. An interesting place – formerly the housing for the staff of NMB. It is similar to Kai Guest House in Babati – beds are firm, fans in the ceiling, and a slight flow of hot water in the shower. Kissinga lived in Katesh as a young man and met his wife there. She is a medical doctor and was posted to the clinic in Katesh while Kissinga was the Agricultural officer. Now they reside north of Kilimanjaro with two teenage sons and one nephew.

RAIN!! I had forgotten how fast it can appear and how strong it can be. Most buildings have tin roofs so the rain sound at night is wonderful. I remember that from my years in Athens, OH. Electrical power is rationed throughout Tanzania and on Friday the region that Katesh is in had no electricity. I paid the Guest House for the petrol to run the generator for 4 hours so that we could get some computer work accomplished.

Saturday we drove back to Babati and the Kai Guest House. Most of the staff are the same as my last trip so all of the “crazy American lady” requests are automatic. Coke Light, scrambled eggs with brown toast, a cup in my room for my early coffee and soup. I walked into town and said hello to many of the Gendi farmers as well as the store keepers from my last trip. There were 4 white men – 2 from Scotland, 1 from Wales, and 1 from England who are in Babati for a month-long school project. They are staying at the Khembe Guest House which is directly on the main “square” and is the bus center. Noisy!

As I walked today, I went to a Pentecostal church and stood outside. For some of the service, it was very similar to my experience. However, the congregation began to speak in tongues which is not part of my religious background.

Off to Babati for another adventure. Wishing all of you a wonderful Sunday!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wednesday February 16th

Safely in Arusha Tanzania! The New Safari Hotel continues to improve – bed was excellent, hot shower and great breakfast. My flights were full but uneventful. Arrived very late in a thunder/lightening/rain storm – I don’t see that often in San Diego.

Off to Babati which is the small town where I worked before with the Gendi Cooperative. I am planning to see the Gendi Board there and celebrate their success with the Warehouse Receipt System. The Cooperative I will be working with this assignment is also a group that I met briefly during my last trip.

I will post this today as I am not sure of the internet connection in Babati.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday February 12

Arrived home safely and on time! In Luanda, had an interesting experience with the "Fiscal" Police. Angola does not allow kwanzas to leave the country so the last stop in the airport is with a currency officer. In my past three trips, there was not issue. This time I was told "OPEN your wallet!" I had a few kwanzas left (for my next trip)which she took. She gave me a receipt but it was not correct - 1,000 kwanzas short. I demanded that she recount it and the receipt was corrected!

Lots of security in Luanda (including a screening machine on the tarmack) and South Africa (4 separate screenings). The flight from Joburg to Atlanta was only 50% full so all of us in coach were able to stretch out on three seats!

Home until Monday the 14th and off again to Africa - Tanzania.

Happy Valentine's Day to all.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Random Monday thoughts

Lobito Angola's statue of a pink flamingo but the real birds are white! Not enough shrimp in their diet!

An ice house where blocks of ice (50+ pounds) are sold.

Solar powered light poles in very remote villages with electric line to computers below. Lines of young people waiting for access to a computer and the internet.

Thousands of young people (95% male) enjoying Sunday on the beach. Mansions across the road with armed guards.

Great beer which seems to settle my stomach (ha!)

Week Two from Bengula Angola

Monday morning we left for the Cooperatives; the training site was ~110 km north from Benguela. Very close to Benguela is Lobito, another coastal town. It is a port city and quite prosperous. Then driving east away from the Atlantic Ocean and into the interior. Roads are good. However, one hour into the trip we came to a complete stop – part of miles of stopped cars. Extremely large pieces of equipment to build a cement plant in the north were being transported from the Lobito port. None of the bridges were strong enough to support the weight so temporary bridges were being constructed. On Monday we waited for 3+ hours and then went back to Benguela. I created my flipcharts at the CLUSA office.

Tuesday we left again at 6am; made it past the first day’s stop but then were stopped again for 3+ hours. However, we traveled on to the Cooperative and arrived ~noon. We were all concerned that we would not be able to return to Benguela so met the Cooperative leaders and then started back. Wise decision as it took 3+ hours to return.

Wednesday we left again at 6am and made it to the Cooperative school room by 8:30am! Success.

There were three Cooperatives in the training – all fairly small in terms of members and hectares of land. The training had 14 offices every day – very attentive. Covered the same material as in the past: how to create a Business Plan, financial statements, how to deal with the bank and the bank loan; responsibilities of the Board of Directors; goals and managing change. I left all the flip charts (translated) in the school room.

Lunch was in a local marketplace – beef or goat or chicken in a tomato sauce with rice or cassava. I ate rice only as I was still careful of my GI system. I brought Protein bars and Cup of Soup as well as Triscuit crackers with me.

Friday was a national holiday in Angola – Start of the Liberation War Day. CLUSA and I went back to the Cooperative to make up for our lost Monday. We completed the training; handed out certificates; had a celebration lunch; and traveled back to Benguela.

Benguela is a typical beach town and only 4 hours from Luanda by car. On Thursday night the town filled up and only today, Sunday are the cars leaving. As I walk along the beach it is filled with young men – swimming, drinking, and laughing. On Saturday night I went to a local restaurant – Cassanga Bar. Pizza (quite good), a Cuca beer and NBA from Friday night on the TV! Cassanga was filled with young men from Luanda – many spoke English; physicians, engineers, accountants. Delightful company.
Today is Sunday. I attended Catholic Church where my prayers included Gail Daly and her sons. Jack died yesterday after a valiant fight with cancer. Contributions in his memory can be made to Ronald McDonald House. He was a wonderful man, husband and father.

I am leaving Benguela on Tuesday; overnight in Luanda; back to San Diego by Thursday morning. I am ready.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30th Benguela Angola

I have not blogged as it has been a difficult first week in Angola but everything has smoothed out. It is now Sunday January 30th.

My Delta flights were as per usual – San Diego to Atlanta; a quick sprint to the next gate; Atlanta to Johannesburg South Africa. The “ghost” was in the center seat on the 15 hour flight which was great. A very quiet Indian lady and I shared a row so both of us slept. I over nighted in City Lodge at Joburg Airport; just a walk across the terminal. Delightful. My South African Airways flight from Joburg to Luanda was also not crowded. So my travel was without incident!

The hotel in Luanda was new to me. In the past I had stayed in Soleme Guest House – owned by 5 generations of Angolan Portuguese. The new hotel reminded me of Soviet style lodging in Poland and Slovakia -6 floors with a non functioning elevator, long corridors, and minimal furnishings in large room. There was internet and a TV with 2 English channels – CNN and nonstop movies. As my stay in Luanda is brief, I do not unpack. Off I went to buy water and dinner – a grilled chicken from a local restaurant. I had eaten there several times before.

The chicken tasted wonderful! However it was BAD chicken and my evening was spent in the bathroom – projectile vomiting/diarrhea for 10+ hours. There was no one in the hotel who spoke English (Soleme House is multilingual). The power of the internet saved the day!! I emailed my brother Jim and wife Kaye who are both MDs. Fortunately I always carry a small pharmacy!

I was physically unable to travel the next day so remained in the hotel room in Luanda. To be sick in a strange place with language constraints is difficult. Remember BRATT – banana, rice, applesauce, tea and toast. By the afternoon I walked to a supermarket and bought bananas, apple juice and 7 Up. No Gatorade. (If anyone knows a source for Gatorade strips, please let me know.) The second Luanda night I slept with no repeat of the previous evening.

I flew to Benguela and was met by the driver from CLUSA (Cooperative League of the United States of America). The Benguela projects are an alliance between CLUSA and CNFA (Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs). I have worked with CNFA on multiple occasions in Eastern Europe and Africa. My last trip in November to Benguela was excellent collaboration of the two NGOs.

We went to the CLUSA office where I met another CNFA volunteer, Dave Wagner. An extremely interesting individual! More about him later. He was just finishing a two week assignment and had lived in the CLUSA Guest House (where I was supposed to stay.) 4 bedrooms with one bathroom and no hot water. 2 guys living there permanently. Unacceptable. So I went back to Nancy’s Guest House (my previous lodging). Nancy Gottlieb and I became friends during the last trip and I was re installed in my old room. Hot water, private bath, and a warm mellow place.

It is now Sunday. Dave has left for the Luanda and then Arizona. I am working in my room. Tonight is a Karaoke event at Nancy’s which should be fun! In addition to the Guest House facilities, she runs an English language school – primarily for adults. Monday begins work with two new Cooperatives helping them understand how to run as a business – present themselves to bankers – and create wealth for their families and country. All’s well which ends well.