Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Home from Angola - off to Las Vegas

Home safely on Easter after 30+ hours. My checked bag was mislabeled in Luanda but I caught the error while in Joburg. Fortunately, the helpful Delta staff was able to rescue it from the “basement” and board it on my plane. The Delta flight was absolutely filled. A big thank you to Ray Hines, one of the flight attendants, who assisted 3 passengers with recently broken legs. The headwinds were strong so the flight was 16+ hours. I hustled through immigration and baggage (mine was the 2nd one out!) and made my San Diego connection.

The other interesting adventure was on Friday, April 23rd. I had the day free in Luanda so booked a one-day safari. I was picked up at 6am by Eco-Tur. There were 6 paying guests plus tour operators. It was an interesting and long day – river trip to look for crocs; did not see any but did see the lizard which is an enemy. It was 6’ long and climbing a tree. In Kissama Park, the ranger explained the “re-animaling” by Operation Noah’s Ark. We saw giraffe, zebras, gnus, elans, and other small antelopes. Also lots of birds. There are no predators yet in the Park which was superb before the beginning of the Angolan Civil War. The animals were killed and eaten during that 35 year period.

Home until Wednesday – then Las Vegas with Mother. My cousin Wendy Ellison is marrying David Stryker. Should be great.

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